Monday, April 3, 2017

IXL Math

IXL Math is an online standards-aligned math practice program.  This is a great resource for practicing grade-level math concepts at home.  It will also support students in performing better on the NWEA MAP Assessment that we take 3 times per year.  Make it a goal to practice 2-3 times per week.

Here is how you can use the program at home:

1.  Start here:

2.  Sign-in using your child's user name and password provided in your child's red homework folder.

3.  Select your child's grade-level.

4.  Choose a category and lesson to work with.  I suggest doing the activities in order through the category.  But you may jump around and try different categories.  Think about what skills your child may need to practice the most.

Happy learning!

Wednesday, March 15, 2017


We have a GREAT program that can support your child in reading at home: Raz-Kids.  Your child will have some opportunities to use this in the classroom, however not as often as I would like.  Therefore, I HIGHLY encourage you to use this online program at home.  Start with a goal of using it twice a week and go from there!  Consider it a part of your child's weekly homework routine.

So here's what you do:

1.  Go to
You can also find the line on our "Learning Links" page, under ONLINE READING.

2.  Click KIDS LOGIN.

3. Use the teacher username (caylsworth) provided in your child's homework folder. 

4. Your child will then click on his/her name icon.
Then he/she will type in the password. (The password will be provided to you at conferences and is in the homework folder.)

5.  Click "Your assignment."

There is a set of leveled books for your child to practice with at home.  Underneath each book, you will see these symbols:
1. Your child should FIRST click the ear to listen to a reading of the entire text.

2. THEN, your child should click the eye to read the book him/herself.  Your child can use the mouse to follow the words, if necessary.

3. LAST, your child can click the question mark to take a short comprehension quiz on the book.  When all questions are answered, he/she can click done to complete the book process.

Please support your child in completing ALL steps for each book at one time.  To be most effective, we want to use each part of the process carefully and in order.  Thanks for your support in reinforcing this practice.

I assigned beginning levels based on the data I have for your child.  We want the level to be "just-right," meaning just the right amount of challenge reading and comprehension-wise.  I can re-adjust levels as needed, so please let me know if the books are too easy or too hard for your child.

Please have your child practice accessing the site and logging in his/herself (do not do it for them).  Please let me know if you have any questions regarding Raz Kids!

Thursday, January 26, 2017

Upcoming Events & Projects

We have a few upcoming events.  Take a look:

Valentine's Box

On Tuesday, February 14th we will be having a small Valentine's Day exchange.  We are requesting that you help your child decorate his/her Valentine's box at home.  Be sure to send the boxes back by Friday, February 10th.
Here are some supplies that may help:
*re-purposed box (shoebox, tissue box, cereal box, etc.)
*wrapping paper, construction paper, or colored foil
*heart-shaped cut-outs
*Valentine's stickers
*sparkles, glitter, etc.
Cut a hole in the top of the box where the Valentine's cards may be inserted.  Also, be sure that your child's name is clearly on the box somewhere.

For Tuesday, February 14th, your child should also bring in 25 Valentine's cards to exchange with his/her friends.  Please have your child write his/her name on the "from" slot and leave the "to" slot blank.  No candy please.

Feel free to get creative!  Click the links below to see some ideas for boxes:

Bring Your Parent to School

We invite you to join your child in the afternoon for a “mini” work session.  There are two sessions available during the afternoon of Wednesday, February the 15th: 1:00 – 1:45PM  OR  2:00 – 2:45PM.  You will shadow your child as he or she presents three complete work cycles of his or her choice.  Due to space, only 1 parent or special family member needs to sign up and attend.

Please sign up using the sign-up genius here:

As a reminder, Peacemaker projects are due this upcoming Monday, January 30th!

Friday, January 6, 2017

Back to School!

We hope you had a restful and happy break with your families!  We had a great couple days back to school this week.

This week, we spent time reviewing classroom expectations.  Although we have been working on these all year, we wrote down some classroom commitments that we will review each day to help us learn and support each other in the classroom.
Take some time to talk about these at home:
1. Listen carefully the first time.
2. Make safe choices.
3. Take care of materials.
4. Do your best.
5. Respect others' work.
6. Solve problems peacefully.
7. Be kind and helpful.
Ask your child to give you some examples of each commitment!

We also began discussing this month's character trait: Using Good Judgement.  We read the Ant and the Grasshopper.  Click to see the Aseop Fable.  We discussed that using good judgement includes thinking before acting and thinking about the consequences for yourself or others in order to make a good choice.  Take some time to talk about using good judgment at home.

Take a look at our busy workers this week:

Upcoming January Events:
*Monday, January16th: MLK Day - No School for Students

*Friday, January 20th: NWEA MAP Math Test

*Monday, January 23rd: NWEA MAP Reading Test
New Enrichment Courses will begin

*Friday, January 27th: Toyoda Gosei Outreach Field Trip (in-house)

*Monday, January 30th: Peacemakers Monthly Project Due
(information coming home this Monday!)

NWEA MAP Testing
Our next round of testing is upcoming.  For more information about this adaptive, standards-based test, click here.  Your child can also practice some sample questions with your child here.
Please avoid scheduling appointments or absences for the morning of testing dates above.

Monday, December 19, 2016

List Writing

We have been working on list writing!  We have learned that lists have: a topic, numbers, and words and pictures.  We teamed up with a partner to practice some different topics:

Lists are a great way to involve your child in writing at home.  Next time you make a shopping list, work together with your child to write it! :)  Talking about your plans for the weekend?  Work together to make a list of things you need to do!

Click here for a quick article on ways to support writing at home.  If you'd like some list writing paper for home, click here for downloadable paper!

Tuesday, December 13, 2016

The Snow Is Here!

Burrrrrr!  The snow and cold are here, so here are some things you need to know and some helpful tips for preparing your child for school in this weather.

1.  First, get a re-usable and sturdy bag.  This will help your child store and carry the extra winter gear that he or she will need for outdoor recess.  Your child can also easily hang this on the hook or store it below the coat rack on the floor.
2.  Your child should have:  a hat, gloves or mittens, boots, & snow-pants.  Scarfs aren't a bad idea either!
Outdoor recess is generally 25 minutes after lunch and this can lead to cold and tearful kiddos when they are not prepared for the weather.
I also usually have a few students that don't want to wear all of their gear.  I will hear, "I don't have a hat," or "I forgot my gloves."  But when I look in backpacks, I often find them.  Please have a conversation at home about the importance of wearing all the gear to stay warm.

I strongly suggest water-proof & warm gloves like these:

These stretchy, cotton ones quickly get wet in the snow & aren't great for keeping hands warm for long periods of time outdoors:

3.  Make sure your child has a pair of tennis shoes or sneakers to wear on P.E. days (Tuesdays).

4.  Teach your child how to get dressed in winter gear.  First, snow pants.  Second, boots.  Then, jacket & zip.  Then, hat.  And last, gloves.  This order can be difficult for some students and can take some time when students are not used to doing it for themselves.  "Supervise" this process at home;  don't do it for your child!  He/she needs to learn!

Recess Routine:
We will go outside unless the windchill is below 20 degrees.
For indoor days, your child may bring a toy in his/her backpack to play with at recess.  We do have recess activities in the classroom, so this is not necessary but some students like to.  Please make sure that the toy does not make sounds.  It also should fit in your child's backpack and should remain there during all other parts of the day.  Please discuss these expectations at home.

Thank you for your support with this process!

Friday, December 9, 2016

Oak Room Working Hard!

Well, it's been a while and for that I am sorry!  We have been busy learning!  Take a look:

The Farm: Plural Nouns

Doubles Addition Facts

Time for Kids Reports

Proper Nouns: Writing names, months, and days with a capital letter

Pin-Pushing the Continents

Upcoming Events:
*Wednesday, Dec. 21st:  Taking Care of Each Other Community Concert & Potluck
*Thursday, December 22nd, we will have a Polar Express PJ Day!  Students can wear pjs, robes, and slippers in school.  We will also watch the Polar Express in the afternoon.

Other Classroom News:
*On Monday, we will have a new student joining our class.  Carley is a Kindergarten student.  Welcome Carley!
*Baby Aylsworth is a GIRL! :)  I shared this news with the students on Monday.
*Looking for ways to support our classroom?  Check out our classroom wishlist:
We are also in-need of quart-sized ziploc bags with zippers and baby wipes.  Thank you!