Wednesday, September 28, 2016

Week 3/4

We are continuing to learn the routines and expectations for our classroom!  We have been working on learning to complete a "work cycle," which is an important component of the Montessori classroom.  Check out our work cycle steps:
Talk with your child about how he/she completes these steps:
1. Choose a work
2. Get the work
3. Do the work
4. Check the work
5. Put the work away
6. Clean your work space
And repeat!

Talk with your child about how he/she has been choosing works in the classroom.  You might ask:
1. What is your favorite work?
2. What works do you like doing over and over?
3. Have you tried any new works this week?
4. What works seems challenging to you?

Check out some of our new works:
Solar System 3-Part Cards

4 Seasons Activities Sort

Life Cycle of an Apple

A few reminders for this week:
* Apple & Solar System Projects are due for all students on Monday, October 3rd.  We look forward to presenting these next week!  See this post for more information.
* Picture Day is Monday, October 3rd!  Forms for ordering pictures went home in folder on Tuesday.

Monday, September 19, 2016

International Peace Day

Wednesday is International Peace Day!  We are recognizing this day as a school with a special ceremony Wednesday morning.

Students should wear:
*white top
*kaki pants

We are also asking that each student make two paper cranes with origami paper.  We will be sending these to the Children's Peace Monument (also known as Sadako's Statue) in Hiroshima, Japan.  Tomorrow, your child's folder will come home with the paper and instructions.  Please return the cranes to school on Wednesday (the next day).  I apologize for the short notice.

You also may find this video helpful:

Sunday, September 18, 2016

Week 2 in the Oak Room

We just wrapped up week 2 and we are settling in.  Students are becoming more comfortable with our routines and we are getting to know each other more and more each day!  Take a look at some of the work we did this week:

Matching name to pictures

Pete the Cat I Love My White Shoes re-telling

Drawing step-by-step

Drawing step-by-step

Counting the number of letters in our names

Sweeping up a spill

Here are some questions for you:
* Did you subscribe to our blog yet?
* Did you read about our monthly family projects? (check out previous post!)
* Have you made a decision about Field Trip payments?  Check out the golden sheet you received at Curriculum Night.

See you next week!

Saturday, September 17, 2016

Monthly Family Projects

Hello Oak Room!

The K-1 classrooms will be having monthly family projects for every student.  This is a project related to a theme we are studying in the classroom.  It will be done at home and then presented in the classroom.   You will generally have two weeks/weekends to complete the project.

Our first projects went home yesterday in your child's folder.  You will find:
* A description page
* A rubric
* A student page that serves as the project

This month, Kindergarten will be doing an exploratory apple-tasting project.

First Graders will do a planet research project.  I recommend visiting the library this weekend to begin collecting and reading books on your child's chosen planet.  Spend some time each day reading about the planet.  You may also find these online resources helpful:
National Geographic Kids
Planets for Kids
Kids Astronomy
First Graders will need to:
*Present 4 interesting facts learned about the planet
*Draw a detailed and colored picture representing the planet
*Provide a model of the planet

With projects like these, the purpose is for your child to learn and explore.  It's also a great opportunity for your family to interact with your child around learning, showing your child how important the learning process is.  These projects are what you make them!  If you invest time and thought into the project, your child gets more out of them.  I also recommend you practice presenting part of the project with your child at home, so they are prepared and comfortable presenting to the classroom.

This first project is due Monday, October 3rd.

Any questions, please ask.  Happy exploring!

Saturday, September 10, 2016

Successful First Week!

We had a great start to our school year!
This week we learned about:
*carrying & rolling rugs
*voice levels we use in the classroom
*sitting at tables & pushing in chairs
*using the restroom & washing hands
*walking around rugs
*dry pouring
*stringing beads
*pink tower
*brown stair
*staying safe during recess
*lunch room procedures
*how to be a book lover, not a book bully
*how to choose and return books in our library
*coloring (inside the lines, no white space, & using colors that make sense)
*using scissors
*our morning routine

Take a look at some of our work:




Stringing beads

We look forward to more learning next week!

Check out our classroom Amazon Wishlist in the sidebar, under Parent Links! --->

Looking for ideas for snacks & lunches for your child?  Check out these links: