Tuesday, November 1, 2016

Spelling Homework

This week, all First Graders and some Kindergarten students begins Words Their Way, which is a word study program.  This program focuses on internalizing word and spelling patterns.  Students are differentiated into groups according to their spelling needs.  Today I met with your child and introduced this week's work.

Each week, your child will receive a new word sort on Monday for home.  It will come home in a red homework folder.  This folder is due back to school on Fridays.  You will support your child at home in learning that word pattern throughout the week (please see the explanation sheet).  Your child should practice the sort 2-3 times per week, and writing should be one of those practices.  It may look like this:

1.  Cut picture/word cards and locate the title pieces to the sort.

2.  Sort picture/word cards, saying each card out loud. 

3.  Check the sort by going through and reading each picture/word card aloud, to ensure that cards were sorted properly.  I also encourage students to highlight the spelling pattern in the written words.

Keep the sort pieces in a safe place at home (plastic ziploc bag works well) - this sort does not get returned to school.  Your child will test on the words each Friday.  Any questions, please ask!

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